Golden Corral Take Home Box TV Spot, 'Fill Up Twice' Feat Jeff Foxworthy
Table of Content Order comfort food in the comfort of your home. All You Can Eat BuffetFor A Great Value CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Is Golden Corral Open on Christmas? Holiday Beef Roast Menus Likewise Applebees, but I still insist it’s pretty good. I can’t fathom how you guys have such amazing restaurants that both of these are considered bottom of the barrel, and the prices are 50% higher than local fare. The thing that gets me about all this is that I viewed Golden Corral as one of the fancier places growing up. The stereotype didn't evolve by accident, sorry. I did it for 16 years, I have a big enough sample size to say that. Now you never know who will surprise you, and people really do surprise you sometimes. My service was always on point, just a small handful of complaints in all that time, and none of them by blacks or foreigners, who are the worst tippers ever. Order comfort food in the comfort of your home. A native Tar Heel, Chappell received a BA in Latin Am...